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Why a Criminal Defense Attorney is Necessary to Assist You in the Probation Process?

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Alexandria, Virginia, a criminal lawyer can help you navigate the legal system, minimize your exposure to punishment, and avoid the potential penalties of a conviction. If you have been accused of a misdemeanor, you may qualify for probation. This option is often an alternative to incarceration, and can allow you to continue working and living while your case is pending.

Probation is a court-supervised arrangement where a person is required to follow certain rules, such as reporting regularly to a probation officer. The conditions of probation vary, depending on the nature of the offense and the length of the sentence. For a minor offense, probation may last as long as a year. In some cases, probation can be extended for as long as five years. However, it is important to know that if you fail to meet the terms of your probation, you could be sent to jail, fined, or worse.

To make sure you get a fair trial, you should hire an experienced Alexandria criminal attorney. An experienced attorney can guide you through the complicated court system and help you to understand all the penalties that are associated with your particular charge. Whether you are facing a misdemeanor or a felony, an Alexandria attorney can help you fight your charges and protect your rights.

There are two types of probation: supervised and unsupervised. Generally, supervised probation involves a low level of supervision, and requires you to report on a regular basis to a probation officer. Under supervised probation, you can’t move to a different residence without your probation officer’s approval.

A good Alexandria probation lawyer can help you to minimize your exposure to the penalties and consequences of a conviction, including jail time, loss of employment, and restrictions on driving. Even a misdemeanor can have a negative impact on your life, limiting your opportunities to go to college and finding a job. Using a lawyer can give you the best chance at getting your charges reduced or dropped altogether.

Of course, if you have been charged with a felony, you are a prime candidate for jail. However, probation is a more reasonable alternative for offenders who have committed a non-violent offense. Depending on the specific charge, you may be eligible for community service, and your lawyer can refer you to a program to suit your needs.

The legal industry has taken notice of Attorney Ebbert’s talents. He joined Mooney Law in 2021. During his law school years, Attorney Ebbert interned at a private law firm and was a certified legal intern at the Central Pennsylvania Law Clinics. Upon graduation, he moved to the Harrisburg area. Since then, he has been focusing on criminal defense and family law. While he enjoys spending time with his family, he also likes to keep up with current events.

It isn’t always easy to fight a misdemeanor. However, a dedicated Alexandria attorney can make the process easier. When you are facing a misdemeanor, it is especially important to use the services of an experienced Alexandria attorney. Getting charged with a crime can be a traumatic experience, and you can’t afford to miss out on the opportunity to a better future.